An Uplifting Creative Experience

Yesterday was the final performance of Blue. Within an hour, the stage was cleared, the garbage, collected and we gathered our crap and left. The last day is always a little sad, but we had a successful run with audiences all around genuinely affected. I am also proud of the people I have surrounded myself with these past two months. It has been an incredibly nerve-raking but ultimately an uplifting creative experience.

A big shout goes out to the three actors who brought Blue to life. Mike Lummis played Joel and gave the part such a deep sense of sadness and courage – heartbreaking. Bryn McAuley, who gave Gloria innocence laced with maturity – brilliant. And Richard Peters who played Adam at first as a bold, seemingly confident individual, but by the end was not afraid to show vulnerability, brokenness. Bravo! Then there is Jane Miller, my director…I learned so much from this woman. I can’t wait to write my next script so that I can apply all that I have learned. And finally, but certainly not least…the unsung heroes….Waleed Ansari (stage manager/lighting operator), Corrie Logan (sound) and Dave Crawford (front of house) – these are the people behind the scenes who I could not have done Blue without. They were always there for me and they never complained once – not once. To you all, I say a big thank you. I am a blessed man to have spent time in your presence – my life has been enriched because of it. Thank you to all those who saw the play and to those who did not…just wait a bit…another one will come….the pen is in the hand on this end.

I will have something further to say about Blue in a couple days as I reflect on what has been an awesome week.

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