Remember the Magic

Dress rehearsal for Listen to Grace is a week away. I had a very productive rehearsal last night as my troop of actors review everything we have done up to this point. This whole week is devoted to piecing together all the scenes of the play. The weekend is filled with tech, set, props and costumes. This is a rare night off for me and my stage manager and it was a much needed night off as we are both feeling a little worn.

I enjoy watching an actor grow into a part. And admire their commitment in getting it right. Doing a play is a journey. You become a family. And for those few moments on the stage, you see a little magic happen. The story of these characters take on a life of their own. Drama unfolds and then I remember why I do this.

I’m not sure how other writers do it, or if many do, but I have found it virtually impossible to focus on two projects at the same time. I’ve been trying to work on Twig re-writes during the day and although I do have some great brainstorming notes, in general my mind drifts back to directing Listen to Grace and all the details it takes to stage a play. Sometimes I feel I need to become more determined and grounded in my creativity – make less excuses for my lack of motivation. And remember the magic – the feeling when you know you’ve written a great piece of dialogue or a scene that crackles with tension.

I leave you with a quote. Many have said of my writing that it oftentimes is hard and any hope in it, has to be squeezed out (and often times it does). However, to these people I say this:

“The role of the writer is not to say what we all can say, but we are unable to say.” 
 Anais Nin

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