Turn The Page

The expression “turn the page’ is an idiom.  Now you might ask, what’s an idiom?  Good question.  Here’s the definition of an idiom:

A widely used saying or expression containing a figurative meaning that differs from the phrase’s literal meaning.

The literal meaning of “turn the page” brings to mind a book, magazine or newspaper where you are flipping or turning the page to the next page so that you can read on and learn more.  But figuratively (or metaphorically), this phrase brings to mind other words.  When I did a search on “turn the page”, the following words repeatedly popped up:

These last 6 months of my life has been a strange time.  Since September of last year when my mom was first diagnosed with terminal cancer and her death that followed shortly after, I can’t say I have “turned the page” so to speak.  Those pages are awfully heavy.  However, these past couple weeks I’ve begun the process of writing again – writing something brand new.  I’ve spent the better part of last year re-writing my screenplay Break Away, then sending it out into the world.   And fine-tuning/polishing my plays Animal and Blue and uploading these scripts on the Playwrights Guild website.  But I haven’t written anything new for some time as my mind has been overwhelmingly occupied.  It still is, however the time has come to turn that page and write.

Writing is like exercising.  When you haven’t done it for some time, it hurts a lot.  Eventually, muscle memory kicks in and you get back into a kind of groove. I’m still working on that as I set out to write a new play.  At first I thought I would write something about what I’ve experienced these past 6 months.  I began to plot that script, creating a setting, characters – the whole bit.  But it wasn’t coming together like I’d hoped, so I let go of that idea.  I set it aside…for now.  And transitioned into something else.  I made the choice to move on not because the idea was too hard, or too emotional, but perhaps because I needed some perspective.  Plus, the more I thought about this idea, the more it felt like a film script, not a play.  I gave myself a fresh start.  Finally this past week, I’ve had a bit of a breakthrough – a solid base for a play was forming.  The characters are shaping up.   The setting is there.  I can imagine actual scenes play out which is always a good sign.  Bit by bit I was seeing the bigger picture.  The theme “turn the page” definitely plays a part in it.  I won’t say much more because ideas change, evolve, but the seed has been planted.

Author Stephen King nailed it when he said this.  I’m sure most writers can relate:

Is there a page in your life you need to turn?  And are you finding it difficult?  Don’t fret.  It takes work.  Remember that life is a journey.   We are all on our own individual, unique journeys with many side streets and dead ends.   Don’t let others rush you along.   Feel what you need to feel even if it’s painful.  But be good to yourself.  Be patient.  Do your best.  And one day, with a bit of grace and buckets of hope, you’ll find the strength and courage to turn that page.


  1. Hey Rome, thanks for another interesting post. I’m glad to hear you’re starting a new project. I don’t know the feelings of a passing parent, but on other monumental life situations, it sure feels great to finally get to the point where the grieving can be set aside and I could finally turn the page.

    Since I turned the page it’s been almost a year of travelling the world, Italy, Ireland, Chile, Argentina and now back to Italy! I’m so glad I was finally able to get to this point to turn the page, and I believe you are correct, it can’t be rushed. Everyone gets to this moment in their own time, and it’s best not to feel any pressure about it.

    I wish you lots of inspiration on your new writing project!

  2. Dianne Cabral says

    You have given me lots of food for thought! Thanks for your challenge of “turning the page”. I turned a page so to speak, when just one year ago I moved to my present location with much trepidation and second guessing but looking back now it has proved to be the best page I could have turned.

    Keep up the good work of writing! You obviously are very talented in not only sharing your thoughts and experiences but challenging the readers to face their own challenges head on and growing stronger by doing so. Thank you!

  3. Only you know when it’s time to turn your page
    I don’t think it will take long for you to get back your groove
    Let yourself grieve. It’s part of the healing

  4. Thanks Romeo.
    Still turning pages myself out west here.
    Thinking of what was and walking in what is!

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