Try. Just try. You may not always succeed. You may even fail more than you succeed. But it is in the trying that you gain insight into who you are and what you can become. The above quote is by writer Louisa May Alcott, whose most famous novel is Little Women. My highest aspirations are […]
The Agony of Defeat
You know the saying… “The thrill of victory. The agony of defeat”. The above video says it all. Recently, in game 7 of the Stanley Cup Conference Final, the Pittsburgh Penguins played the Ottawa Senators. Each team had won 3 games…the winner of game 7 would go onto play in the Stanley Cup Final. Game […]
The Nicholl Fellowships in Screenwriting
The Nicholl Fellowships in Screenwriting is a screenwriting prize that awards 5 writers each a fellowship of $35, 000. It is the most sought after and prestigious award for screenwriters and is run by The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (the same folks who bring you the Oscars). Over the years I have […]
I decided it was time to update my photo on the website as the one I had was a few years old. My brother Bob took this photo as well as a couple more, which you can check out at and at my . This certainly is NOT the face I have when I’m writing […]
What Are You Made Of
Courage. We all need it in our lives. Some of us seem to naturally have it more than others (or at least to the naked eye it appears that way). When life doesn’t give you what you want when YOU want it, we tend to lose our courage. Discouragement comes easily. And yet I would […]
So Close
This past weekend The Kairos Pro Prize in Screenwriting was handed out at the 25th Movieguide Awards. Two of my screenplays (and ) were competing for the Grand Prize of $15,000 given to one of the 5 scripts nominated. This is the 3rd year I’ve been a finalist in this category for one of my […]
Kairos Finalists
Both of my screenplays, and are now finalists in the Kairos Prize for Screenwriting. There are only five scripts left in the Pro-Prize category with one eventual winner given $15,000 on February 10. Here are the 5 scripts remaining with a short description of each. FINALISTS – KAIROS PRO PRIZE FOR SCREENWRITERS DONUTS WITH JERRY […]
The Life of a Writer
I received some encouraging news recently. Two of my screenplays, and placed in the TOP 7 of The Kairos Prize. Here’s the official list: Kairos Pro Prize for Screenwriters Dark Days Donuts with Jerry Holiday in Heaven The Extremist The Great Surrender The Humble Walk The Living Water A prize of $15,000 will be awarded […]
A Year of Planting Seeds
What season are you in? Is this a season of growth? A season of waiting? Or…as in my case, a season of planting seeds. And like any garden, when planting, you hope for the best. You hope for seeds to grow and get strong and then one day reap a harvest. But sometimes things die, […]
Finalist in Diverse Voices
Great news to report from the WeScreenplay Diverse Voices Writing Contest – my screenplay has just advanced as a finalist. The contest began with over 500 entries and was cut down to 120 scripts and now in the finalist round there are 30 scripts competing for the Grand Prize. See the full list of finalists […]