A Hero Has Landed

Hero is complete.  I put the finishing touches on this latest play that will run Dec 10 & 11.  This past week I was tweaking the script, refining dialogue and character motivations and cutting anything that felt superfluous.   The first reading with the cast is September 11 and it will be a great relief to finally share what I have been working on like a mad scientist these last couple months.  

Hero takes place at an Inn on Christmas Day where family bonds are being tested, secret pains are revealed and a child’s comic sheds light on the meaning of hope.    In the coming weeks, I’ll be posting a more detailed synopsis and poster.

My attention now turns to my screenplay Struck which is due September 19 for the Karios Prizes in Screenwriting.  I have been working my way through a draft of this script which I completed back in July.  So much of re-writing is chopping what you have.   Usually in a first draft you overwrite because you’re fresh in the process.  Ideas are free-flowing and there are no filters holding you back.  Once you start to understand what it is you are writing about, it is then when you take a scalpel to your words and the script takes shape.   I’ve also been working on the re-write of Walls (which is now called Tea Time).  Tea Time is the one-act I’ll be entering into the New Ideas Festival at the Alumnae Theatre.

This quote by an author was passed onto me.  As I prepare to send more of my writings out, I thought it was most appropriate and one I can identify with:

“I could write an entertaining novel about rejection slips, but I fear it would be overly long.”
– Louise Brown


  1. James Glaab says

    Good to see you are using your talents so well!! Keep shining your light!

  2. Josie Beylerian says

    Sounds like you are up to your excellent writing skills again. Looking forward to seeing your newest Christmas play this December.

  3. Ah yes, and there will be something especially lovely about your Xmas play this year. That is, it is sure 2 be DIVAlicious!!!!!

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