Children of Light

I am days away from having my first reading of a play I’ve been working on throughout the summer.  Aside from my sister, no one has read the play.  I will be reading it with actors who were recently cast for an upcoming Christmas Production.

Something is going on at the Clayborne farm. Matriarch Margaret has had a stroke igniting memories tied to Christmas that she had thought were long forgotten.   In Children of Light, the past and the present are about to collide.   Children of Light will see the light of day on Dec 8 & 9 for three performances.

My script Home has now advanced to the semi-finals of Writemovies.  I am competing against 25 other scripts for a finalist position which will be announced in a week’s time.

I have just about finished reworking an outline for my screenplay Walk.  This will be the 4th re-write of this script which will be sent off to the Kairos Prizes in Screenwriting come November.  My hope is I can crack the top 12 as I did in 2011.  Re-writing can be such a drag.   I spent many days fighting the re-write because I really did like my recent Walk script.  But after getting a couple professional critiques and looking more closely at the flaws of the script, I knew another pass had to happen.  If I want to advance further in a competition, I need to put more work in.  Having mapped out the new draft, I am infinitely happier with the story.  And now it’s time to take my notes and write the new draft.

Talent is helpful in writing, but guts are absolutely necessary.
Jessamyn West


  1. Josie Beylerian says

    Looking forward to seeing the Christmas play this year. As always, Romeo ,you always come up with some very interesting situations and lines.

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