
Behind those eyes are a pair of strong women.  And yet this same strength is matched only by vulnerability.   These woman are tough, yet sensitive.  They are quiet observers, particularly in the company of strangers, but definitely have strong opinions.  Generally shy – introvert…yet, when pressed, can step up to the plate and take on the role of extrovert.  Complicated women.  And two women (my mother and sister) who have been a great support to me in this crazy, wonderful, totally unpredictable journey we call life.

Their lives are certainly in many ways reflected in the stories I tell.  For instance my play ANIMAL (about a woman’s struggle with mental illness) deals, in part, with a mother/ daughter relationship.  Mental illness is something my mother has suffered with for many years and the play gives a glimpse of what that struggle is like.

Regarding ANIMAL, I recently completed a new draft of the play.  I don’t know what number draft it is, and at this point I don’t even want to know (it might make me cry).  I put together a virtual reading for this latest draft and I’ll have more to say about this in my next blog.  But for now I will say this, after the reading I concluded that another draft mercilessly awaits me.  Writing is re-writing and more re-writing…and then you re-write the re-write of the re-write until you do another re-write…and one more… and another….and oh maybe another (just for fun, cause writing is so much fun).  As the years go by,  you grow creatively and change as a human being.   And so from a writer’s perspective when you look back at your first draft, especially if it’s been a few years (Hi, I’m waving at you ANIMAL!), those changes in you get reflected in the work.   I’m about to embark in a re-write of my screenplay BREAK AWAY…but it doesn’t feel like a major re-write (said the overly optimistic and  naive writer).

Speaking of updates and mental illness, my mom has been through quit the journey these past few months.  A switch in medication has made things rough going, but I’m happy to report at this writing, that we have found the right cocktail mix/anti-depressant for her and in the last couple months, mentally she has improved in spades.  It has been a long, arduous journey, heartbreaking to witness, but this son is grateful that her peace of mind has been restored.  Are things perfect?  They never are.   But be grateful for the small victories because it is in these victories, bigger ones can be won.



  1. Josie Beylerian says

    You are on the right track Romeo. The breakthrough comes when you least expect it to. God shows us that He cares about us. Nothing is impossible. Only believe that He will do it in His time.
    So glad that your mom is doing so well.

  2. Beautiful pictures of you and your Mom and Sis, Rome. Your strong bonds to each other and shared history of struggle and small victories are a huge part of your own Resilience. Keep going, Brother. Keep Rewriting. The world needs your stories.

  3. Cecilia Virginia says

    Great story Romeo. I am glad your mom is doing well.
    Keep safe and stay healthy.
    A big virtual hug!
    Cecilia (senior). hahah!

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