Pick Up the Pen and Go

A friend recently sent me this quote from author Elizabeth Gilbert who wrote “Eat, Pray, Love”:

“Continuing to write after that heartache of disappointment doesn’t take only discipline, but also self-forgiveness (which comes from a place of kind and encouraging and motherly love). The other thing to realize is that all writers think they suck. When I was writing “Eat, Pray, Love”, I had just as a strong a mantra of THIS SUCKS ringing through my head as anyone does when they write anything. But I had a clarion moment of truth during the process of that book. One day, when I was agonizing over how utterly bad my writing felt, I realized: “That’s actually not my problem.” The point I realized was this – I never promised the universe that I would write brilliantly; I only promised the universe that I would write. So I put my head down and sweated through it, as per my vows.”

Check out the rest of what Elizabeth had to say on her website regarding writing and passion. It’s inspiring stuff.

Writing can get to you after awhile.  Reactions to your work vary and you can’t control what others will think or why a certain piece didn’t resonate.  You can only control how you take in all the criticisms, suggestions, etc.   I am about to begin another re-write on my screenplay Twig.  And after that, my play Animal awaits (although, I’m not sure how much of a re-write Animal will be).

What I do know is this:  I need to keep “sweating through it” and not complain or worse yet, find excuse not to write.   Because it’s easy not to write – no one is forcing this on me, no one is looking.   Feeling sorry for myself is not an option.  No place for pity here.

So……Pick up the pen and go.








  1. Hi Romeo,

    I just got the latest Movieguide Gala issue. Great spread of you and the other Kairos Prize winners. I’m glad you’ve never given up! You are, as Lisa said above, a great inspiration!


  2. Lisa England Williams says

    Hey Romeo, once again your blog hits all the right notes–I think I’ll call you maestro:) Seriously, I feel exactly like you and Elizabeth when that crazy little echo of “this sucks” creeps in the ole’ noggin and you try to chase it away, as you think of American Idol wannabe’s whose family & friends didn’t tell them honestly that they can’t sing. As I await word back on one of my novels to two publishers who are considering it, I wallow back and forth on the positive & negative. Who knew writing could be such a psychotic experience of the mind with regards to self-doubt & one’s self-esteem? So, I hope you realize what a great source of inspiration you are to help me & all of us to “pick up the pen and go” no matter what.

    p.s. Loved last month’s post esp. w/your pix. Had to laugh at quite a few similarities on the spots of where and how you write (esp. not in coffee houses or quaint cafes, etc., which sounds so
    J.K. Rowlingnesque & romantic, but I am too easily distracted as well;) God Bless:)

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