We Have Today


Dalai Lama

We can sometimes get caught up with life, the busyness of life – our plans for the future and regrets of the past. But when it comes down to it, today, right now in this moment, wherever you are, this day is the only day that matters. The other two days – the yesterday/past and the tomorrow/future – we have no control over.

Today is the most important day because you’re alive and it’s another day to spend time with the one you love, to have dinner with friends, to create a piece of art, to see a play, watch a movie, to read a book, to take a trip, to exercise, to walk, to garden, to laugh, to smile at a stranger, to go to work, to come home, to sleep, to hope and believe for better things to come.

Don’t get me wrong; I am someone who likes to plan and look ahead. I love the day when I write THE END on the last page of a completed script. When I’m in the middle of writing something, I dream of jumping ahead because it’s never an easy task to complete a script. And when the journey finally does take me to the end, it’s the best feeling in the world.   But to get to that ending, I spend several weeks brainstorming ides, writing pages of notes, researching and eventually mapping out each scene, character, plot point, etc… It’s days and days of work and one can get discouraged because it feels like it takes too long. Couldn’t I just jump ahead to the end?

When you think of your life, and you may not be where you want to be, we often want to jump ahead. But while we become preoccupied, spending our days thinking of the future (or regrets of the past), we’re wasting today. Today is the only day that counts because it is the only day we have. It’s okay to reflect, and it’s definitely a good thing to plan, but don’t neglect the present because you could miss out on something wonderful.

Right now, I am in the middle of writing a new screenplay and I’m about half way through. The plan is to write 10 pages a day until I get to that magic last page that reads THE END. Today, I have written 10 pages and plan to write more. It’s been a good day (and believe me they are all not like that, just read the quote below). I hope for more good days and more tomorrows. But for now, I am thankful for today and the opportunity to write again.

Paul Rudnick


  1. Linda Lyons says

    Hey Romeo – love both these quotes. Regarding the first one – it is so freeing to read it. If only we could apply it to our own lives more easily. And the second – I think this can apply to many things. It seems to me that anything that is worth doing and which will make a difference in your life is a fight. Our first tendency is indeed to procrastinate. We do this because it takes effort, concentration and focus to tackle the task. However as you say, when you reach the goal you set for yourself, it is a good day. Thanks as always for your inspiring words.

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